Holy Guacamole! Did you know that Facebook hosts 140 billion photos, and will add 70 billion this year, according to the blog of photo-sharing site 1000memories. Putting this in context, 1000memories made the visualization above which shows how big Facebook's library of photos are in comparison to other photo sharing sites, as well as the Library of Congress. Incredibly, Facebook is hosting 4% of all photos ever taken, according to 1000memories. It estimates 3.5 trillion photos have been taken through history.
What are AdChoices? AdChoices are, basically, Google's way of tailoring their AdSense ads to better suit you, personally - "to make these ads as relevant and useful as possible for you." Of course, don't just take my word for it. And while that is all fine and well, I have yet to find the setting in their Ads Preferences Manager that says "hey, if it is 4:15pm on a Tuesday, maybe don't show me ads for Madden 12, which is…
Alex ChousmithSeptember 13, 2011
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX2BQM0D01M http://www.google.com. Freddie Mercury would have been 65 on this Labor Day. Word.
Alex ChousmithSeptember 5, 2011
In coordination with The Surfrider Foundation and San Diego Coastkeeper, we headed to Pacific Beach and collected more than a pound of trash including bits of plastic, cigarette butts and used band-aids! (more…)
David LusskyAugust 31, 2011