


Keep Virgin From Destroying The Internet!

The new CEO of Virgin Media, Neil Berkett, has openly stated in an interview that they think net neutrality is “a load of bollocks” and claimed they're already doing deals to deliver some people’s content faster than others. They would then put websites and services that don't pay Virgin in the "slow lane", meaning those sites would load slowly and cause most users to give up using them, feeling forced to use whatever Virgin wants to push through their network.…
August 11, 2008

TED 2009 in the LBC

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the TED Conferences, the 2009 conference will be held in Long Beach, California. The theme? The Great Unveiling! "Everyone on the program will be premiering something: A thrilling discovery, a revolutionary idea, a powerful invention, a spectacular piece of art, a first-time performance. We'll be sharing undiscovered talent never before publicly seen... along with big names who are willing to work on something brand new and amazing for TED." (more…)
August 11, 2008

Diaper Mania! Bottoms Up Drive A Success!

The drive at Ninthlink was a tremendous success thanks to all the kind people out there in San Diego who answered our call for help. People from all over San Diego donated diapers, baby formula, and toddler/infant toiletries such as combs, lotions, wipes, pacifiers, soap, shampoo, and other needed items. The Bottoms Up Diaper Drive went from Monday, July 21st through Tuesday, July 29, where the Ninthlink Team's offices acted as a host for SAY San Diego. Kratom is mostly…
July 28, 2008