

By August 8, 2008 No Comments

Today is August 8, 2008, or “888,” which many believe is one of the luckiest days in history.

The number 8 has always been associated with luck, fortune, and finances, so with three 8s in a row today, it goes without saying that luck can be tripled!

Many psychics will tell their clients to write the number 8 on a piece of paper, put it in their wallet, and within two weeks more money or jobs will come their way. Perhaps this is why is one of most popular online gambling sites on the Web.

and churches have found that today is booked with couples wanting to be hitched—this happened last year on July 7, 2007.

The number 8 is considered quite lucky in China. 8 is pronounced “ba” in Chinese, which sounds close to “fa” and means “prosper.” This is why tourists and business travelers in China will notice the frequency of the number 8 in the telephone numbers of hotels, airlines or businesses, which are supposed to carry a good omen or blessing for the “prosperity” of the enterprises.

Here are some “prosperous” telephone numbers in China:

Shanghai Shi Mao Riviera Garden Estate – 6888 8888
Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza, Shanghai – 6252 8888, 6280 8888
Sheraton Taiping Hotel, Shanghai – 6275 8888
Ritz Carlton Portman Hotel – 6279 8888
China Travel Services, Shanghai – 6247 8888
Northwest Airlines – 6279 8088

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Truth or superstition? We all create or own reality. Make today YOUR day of luck and good fortune. Take a chance, take a gamble, look for ways to make your business and personal life grow.

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