


Spread The Joy, Spread The Love: Spread ‘Em!

So I've been working for the past bit on the Spread the Joy button that is popping up at the bottom of every post, and on that note, I think I will find an image from an old newsletter, and use it here to emphasize that... hmmm... March '08? Rad. Anyways, our buddies at Holiday Matinee are using ShareThis to get their joy spread around, so I have that going right now (6:16pm Wed 7/3 (what am i still doing…
July 2, 2008

It’s A Deep (feed)Burn(er)

You probably have no idea what just happened, unless you are me, or very very similar to me, but if that is the case, then you may notice that the nifty little Subscribe your RSS button on the right column no longer points you to temptation to, but now sends you to yay feedburner! (more…)
June 27, 2008

Open Source Software: Drupal

Are you or one of your team members savvy with programming, but on a tight budget? If so, then Drupal is definitely the answer you are looking for. According to Drupal, it is a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website. These are the fundamental actions that a community website needs to offer in order to create an environment where people…
May 22, 2008

The 4 ‘abilities of Ecommerce

Functionality and usability are the two categories that have been driving the growth of Ecommerce development through the previous years, but what does that mean exactly? Well, everyone has his or her own interpretation on that answer, but we’re hoping to explain it in a way you have never seen or heard before. So without further ado, I give you the 4 ‘abilities. 1/ Experience-ability: Integrating Flash and JavaScript content into your Ecommerce site creates an interactive brand/product experience that…
April 21, 2008