Things we do and things we like.


Friday Office Humor?

Really, you want me to rinse the dishes in the toilet? That just doesn't seem like a good idea... And on an unrelated note, CTIA Wireless conference went real well, though I still need to gmap-pedometer total up how many miles I hoofed all over NOLA, and hope to get a follow-up blog post or two up next week.
May 11, 2012

Surviving Google’s Penguin Update

If you haven't heard by now or read in our previous blog, Google is making an important algorithm change known as the Penguin Update. This update is centered around Google's quality guidelines and namely concerns the following 8 principles outlined by the search engine giant: (more…)
April 30, 2012

Get To Know Google’s Penguin Update

On Tuesday, Google officially announced the name of their new algorithm change...the "penguin" web spam update. The latest information about this update can be found on Matt Cutt's blog, listed here: Essentially, this update focuses on the page layout and the overall experience users have with your website. Sites that have traditionally had too many advertisements "above the fold" are the ones searchers typically have trouble accessing the content; and those are the sites most prone to be affected…
April 27, 2012