Things we do and things we like.


Benefit Show With The Modlins, This Saturday!

This Saturday, August 16th, Ninthlink favs The Modlins reunite with their friends The Roman Spring, plus special guests Hello Sunshine, to rock the Radio Room, formerly known as the Zombie Lounge, on El Cajon Blvd. The show is to help raise money for friends participating in Team In Training, getting ready for a marathon up in San Francisco later this year. The Team In Training program and the marathon itself will raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and…
August 11, 2008

Keep Virgin From Destroying The Internet!

The new CEO of Virgin Media, Neil Berkett, has openly stated in an interview that they think net neutrality is “a load of bollocks” and claimed they're already doing deals to deliver some people’s content faster than others. They would then put websites and services that don't pay Virgin in the "slow lane", meaning those sites would load slowly and cause most users to give up using them, feeling forced to use whatever Virgin wants to push through their network.…
August 11, 2008

For The Good Of The Web Developer

I'll be honest, most of the posting I've done so far has been for my own good (cough cough RayBans). But this, this is different. Twice in the past two working days, coworkers have asked me a question, different questions both times, but the answer has been the same. I think. Maybe the first question was more that we were trying to solve something, but that one still had an answer, the same answer as the question today, and the…
August 11, 2008

TED 2009 in the LBC

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the TED Conferences, the 2009 conference will be held in Long Beach, California. The theme? The Great Unveiling! "Everyone on the program will be premiering something: A thrilling discovery, a revolutionary idea, a powerful invention, a spectacular piece of art, a first-time performance. We'll be sharing undiscovered talent never before publicly seen... along with big names who are willing to work on something brand new and amazing for TED." (more…)
August 11, 2008