All Posts By

Jeromy Stallings


Trends in Consumer Control

Consumer Control is Cool One of the recent trends that has yielded positive results is the concept of relinquishing a product website over to the consumer -- that is, consumer control. Consumer control includes the un-moderated and un-censored freedom to post product reviews and commentary in forums, as well as the ease and usability of a website to go from landing page to sub-page without pop up ads and unwanted delays. (more…)
September 21, 2009

Latest Google News and Happenings

So many of us use one Google feature or another when we get online -- from web searches ("Google it" is now part of our popular lexicon), email with Gmail, or the Chrome browser.  Like any big company, Google is embroiled in a number of major issues in trends, the law, and culture, so it's good to keep abreast of these as they could effect each of us, one way or the other. Example: the U.S. Dept. of Justice weighed in…
September 21, 2009

Quality Counts in Webcasting

Webcasting is growing in popularity every day, as more net surfers prefer to have the message delivered in images rather than text.  Many brands and companies realize this and are scrambling to put up video content and links to their sites -- you're probably doing this yourself right now, or are thinking about it. The problem out there: low quality, bad production values, and sometimes slow servers; these three things cause the web cast to not be as pleasing-to-the-eye that's…
September 16, 2009

Wanna Tweet? Things Are Changing

Today, Twitter's Biz Stone announced that the hot social media service has changed/updated its terms of service, which you can view here. Busy Biz blogs: Things have come a long way in a short time. We recognized potential early but users and platform developers would demonstrate how much more Twitter could be. Fostering an open and increasingly important network is not as easily dismissed as it once was...   (more…)
September 11, 2009

Brand Trends: Reputation Monitoring

Sometimes social media marketing can be about damage control, and the faster a company can get a handle on the "disaster," the easier the mess is to clean up. Viralheat, a social media monitoring site that analyzes Twitter and over 200 other hangouts in cyberpsace, announced a new feature that will automatically alert marketers to any dramatic spikes in brand mentions. If a there is an uptick in Twitter activity, the Viralheat homepage will alert users of what is going…
September 4, 2009