I suppose that title could have been misleading. Anyways, the San Diego Reader posted a pretty flattering review of The Modlins' cd release show at the Tin Can Alehouse, which took place last Friday night. High five.
Just had to take a second to give a quick shout out to Gmail and its nice usability. And by usability I mean correcting my user error. An error message that pops up based on the fact that I mentioned the word "attached" in the email body, and then hit SEND without actually Attaching anything? Well done.
Check it out : Style a la The Man's Shop! On our third Facebook page, we pushed the limits of our FBML knowledge even further: using the fb:swf to load a Flash file and preload image, plus some more AJAX to vote for your Favorite Brand. (more…)
Another week down, another site launched. FunkyChic.com is an Ecommerce site selling "Unique, Affordable Fashions For Women & Teens" via the CS Cart system. They came to us for help in reskinning (did I just make up a word?) their entire site. Their old homepage (after the jump) had been redone at some point, but once you drilled in to any of the categories or product pages, the site was just using the default New Vision Yellow skin from CS-Cart.…