At Ninthlink, we always like to give credit where credit is due. And we happened to come across a great article that features the 50 best creative websites of 2011 from This is a great read that showcases the most innovative websites and redesigns from last year. Job well done guys! Enjoy! To go to the article, please click here:
NinthlinkJanuary 20, 2012 Check out Santa's holiday search tip rap, fresh off the little snowflake in the bottom right of Google's helpful "New Gadgets" page. Did you get a new gadget - Android phone, tablet, or computer - over the holidays? Then this is for you: Download Google Chrome, get the Google+ app to face time, er, face-to-face with up to 9 people, hit up the Android App Store, and more. Happy Holidays!
Alex ChousmithDecember 27, 2011
Boy, having pre-cropped headshots of all the Ninthlink team members sure makes it easy to turn people in to elves, whether they want to or not. (more…)
Alex ChousmithDecember 6, 2011