In light of these trying times, I just had to make a quick post about what I think is a fun map: the locations of Starbucks around our office here in the Downtown San Diego area. We always end up at the one on F & 5th, which I think is mainly so our coffee comes with the thrill of knowing we are stepping out of Ninthlink territory, and in to Digitaria’s hood. Some day, our dreams of a Downtown SD Interactive Agency West Side Story will come to be. In the meantime, its good to know we also have other options for coffee within a few miles, should the need occur…
I mean, you have 6th & B, almost equidistant from the 5th & F location, then there is 11th & C, 10th & Market, 4th & Market, 2nd & Market, and two inside Horton Plaza. Maybe this reflects some important laws governing shopping malls: you should never shop decaffeinated, and you should never have to go more than 4 floors to get coffee (hence one on street level and one on level 1).
This reminds me of a post from last summer I saw by local San Diego blogger Cat Dirt, speculating which San Diego stores might be closed as Starbucks announced it would be shutting down some 600 stores nationwide. Glad to see they all survived.
And now, as a Friday bonus, here is a clip of the band Lagwagon, performing their song Mr. Coffee!