


Stop Sending Me The Yellow Pages!

And they are now listening. Hooray! At least according to the Yellow Pages opt-out website, they seem to be doing something about it. I'm never really excited when I find the Yellow Pages at my doorstep, because it's just an extra trip to the recycle bin for me, and it feels so damn wrong to be throwing away an over-sized booster seat worth of paper. Besides, with a smartphone and computer handy, like most folks these days, there's much easier…
February 2, 2011

Quick Shoutout : Duplicate Post Plugin

Russell and I were talking strategy and usability this morning, and we realized one of the few things WordPress was missing was a "Clone Page" / "Save Page As..." function. Now I am writing this post because I am excited that I don't have to make that plugin myself, as it already exists! And duplicating a Duplicate Posts Plugin ourselves would just be silly. Adding "Duplicate" as a quick link on the main Edit Posts / Edit Pages areas, and…
February 2, 2011

Yum Yum…Tips for Restaurant Web Design

As part of my weekly grind, I like to take some time and read about design, design standards and just see what's going out there in the web design world as to sharpen my skillz for future clients, and just to sharpen skillz in general. In reading I came across an article about best practices for designing restaurant websites. Any article that mentions "best practices" always catches my eye, and I was interested to see what it had to say…
January 27, 2011

How to Encourage Brand Loyalty with Social Media

Companies have increasingly turned to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to help connect with customers and more importantly to encourage brand loyalty.  This is often accomplished by offering exclusive deals and promotions to ‘fans’ or ‘followers’ of the brand. (more…)
January 19, 2011

How to Live Cancer-Free, Educating on Saving Life

This article was sent to me by my mom. She is a first aid instructor for WTA, so she is always keeping up to date with health related information. This email is one of those you forward on to people you care about, and save in your email archives to print out and live by.  That's why I'm sharing it with you! I truly believe in many of the philosophies on nutrition and while I don't have cancer and have…
January 14, 2011