


Why I Made a Custom Yeoman Generator

Generator-ninthlink is a Yeoman generator used to scaffold static web applications. By running the command "yo ninthlink" in the terminal, we can generate a project's directory structure, configuration files, boilerplate markup, and a great number of tools for speeding up the development process and ensuring the final product is lightweight. I initially set out to build this tool from scratch, but then realized that an excellent generator already existed. This generator, created by the Yeoman team, had many of the features I was looking for: minification…
May 24, 2016

Programming and mathematics

The large number of job opportunities in the tech industry has caused many people to wonder whether programming requires knowledge of mathematics. The answer, of course, depends on the industry in question; there is no reasonable way to answer such a query without first being clear about what type of programming we're discussing. The same can be said of mathematics. It's quite easy for some to make claims related to mathematics as a whole, but it turns out that arithmetic is not calculus…
May 14, 2016