Things we do and things we like.


Check this out

Thinking outside the box? More like thinking outside the building! How do you make your brand stand out and create a social buzz? Why technology of course! This should be showing nightly in major metro markets. Can you imagine the crowds if this were to be played in the Gaslamp? What have you done lately to make YOUR brand stand out?
October 12, 2011

Proud of my Panning Gallery : Client Redesign

We launched a fresh look and feel for Global Resource Investments, LTD. just about a year ago to the day today, and after a year, they were ready and eager for more. The single site for investing, a year ago, bloomed in to two separate entities this time around : Independent Investing with Sprott Global Resource Investments LTD, and Managed Investing with Sprott Asset Management USA. I am especially pleased with how the Panning Slideshows on the homepages turned out.…
October 11, 2011
DesignDevelopmentOnline ConversionTips

Where’s the fold? There it is!

Designers talk about "the fold" on websites as some arbitrary line, where almost everyone will see what is going on "above the fold" on your homepage, and noone ever bothers to scroll down "below the fold", so you can pretty much get away with anything you want there, right? But what does it really MEAN? Enter Where's the fold - now you can SEE where the fold most likely will be, on whichever site you choose. Now we just need…
October 11, 2011