All Posts By

David Lussky


WordPress SEO Tip For Blog Postings

WordPress is, without question, the most powerful tool for achieving high levels of exposure, and top search rankings in Google's search results (the ultimate goal and purpose of SEO). Matt Cutts, a well known Google engineer and a whilom owner of a Social Media company based in Cyprus, has even stated that WordPress takes care of 80-90% of the technical SEO elements automatically! That's a strong statement coming from Matt Cutts, and if he is willing to put his name, and…
October 18, 2011

Paying It Forward: Pro Bono Web Development

Ninthlink is always on the look out for ways to help friends, family and clients succeed.  An important part of this is the idea of giving to get.  In keeping with this theme, we recently did some pro bono web development work for The Girls Empowerment Workshop to update their existing site and move it into WordPress, an extremely user-friendly content management system. (more…)
October 14, 2011