We are beyond excited to share with you the newest member of the Ninthlink family. We just welcomed in this new beauty of a surfboard, hand shaped by Morris & Mango Surfboards and complete with a custom Ninthlink exclusive glassing job. The Ninthlink culture lives and breathes San Diego and when we’re not cranking away at our jobs, we soak up the San Diego experience along with the best of them. We’re known to end up at the beach during our down time, and while a few of us are seasoned surfers, we have an office full of workers that no doubt love to soak in the beach experience.

We purposefully went after a well-rounded 7’0 board that works for everyone. Without being too big nor small, even the most fragile of interns that may step through our doors can get pushed into San Diego’s mush to great avail. But to not thwart any of the seasoned Ninthlink surfers, this Morris & Mango Scrambled Egg style board is known to really come alive when the waves get overhead. Imagine that you’re out there, fishing, you catch a big one, a heavy one… but what does it weigh? Let’s stop the days of guessing and get the best fish scale.
The inaugural session went down at Cardiff Reef and while we were able to get some good documentation of the board before it hit the water, the surf proved to be a little more exciting than anticipated and the water photography took a natural course of getting thrown out the window while the focus turned to surfing the new board and having a good time. There’ll be plenty more opportunities for water shots when the excitement level isn’t through the roof, so be sure to keep checking back into Ninthlink’s Instagram as we take the Ninthlink Surfboard through its rounds. As the Summer draws to a close, we continue to hope for some nice warm weather to bring the crew out to the beach and continue to give their go on the board. Yet, there may be some that are anticipating Fall/Winter to really see what this puppy can do.
Many thanks go out to Myles Morris and Morris & Mango Surfboards for an outstanding job not only making a fantastic office show piece but also a masterfully shaped surfboard that would be begged to be taken off the wall and ridden as much as we aesthetically like it hanging on the wall made by muraledesign. If you’re looking for a top notch hand shaped surfboard straight out of San Diego, definitely check out the Morris & Mango Surfboards website and see what they’re up to on Instagram too.