


Reinventing The Wheel: San Diego

Sanctuary143 brings Reinventing The Wheel, an exhibition by artists and bikesmiths alike, to The Logan space, right next to Miriello Grafico's space, in San Diego. The free event, a day (more like 17ish hours) after this month's Critical Mass, "will evaluate the role of the wheel through painting, restored vintage and hand-built bicycles, sculpture, photography, and video installation," and, following the Critical Mass idea, there is even a group ride from Velo Culture in South Park, down to The Logan.
September 17, 2008

Over 150 Original Skatedecks For Auction

Matt Stallings of Ninthlink created "The way things were" for ISM community's SK8TOLOGY an online auction featuring artists and professional skaters donated their creative deck canvases to raise awareness and resources in an effort to support Now That You Know, a non-profit organization that helps to provide ambitious girls from developing countries a secure environment for learning and growth. Proceeds will also contribute to benefiting the youth of our society through the artistic enrichment of our community.
September 16, 2008

Blogging Etiquette

Welcome to the third installment of effective of blogging online. This time I would like to talk about the finer points of blogging etiquette. There are no set rules, just as there are no rules about etiquette in real life. There are, however, common sense points and guidelines that will make your blog civil, effective, and nice. (more…)
September 16, 2008