


That’s how you de[bug]!

Yes, I mostly wanted to blog this because of the praise it brought, but if patting your own back after someone else pats it, on a Thursday afternoon, is wrong, then I ... I just don't know. Anyways, the above image shouldn't have white space inside the non-white, in theory, but it does. And you should have seen it before we got the images working! (more…)
December 11, 2008

Right brain. Left brain.

I've always dug industrial design. From the furniture of Charles and Ray Eames, to the Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, to the automotive design of Ferdinand Porsche, and to the great stuff presently being done by Frog Design and others. I recently came across this firm: Unbelievable synthesis of art and science... Functionality and form... Use of contrasting materials and textures. Love it. Just thought I'd share it.
December 11, 2008

My Favorite Things : 2.7 is the new 2.6.5 Wordpress 2.7 has been released today, nicknamed "Coltrane". And in case that means nothing to you, where should I begin? Wordpress is a most awesome open source blogging system that has been expanded to really become a fully-functional Content Management System. With plugins to allow everything from image galleries (check out Wordpress' creator Matt Mullenweg's nice setup) to fully customizable Meta-data on every page and post you create (check out what Ron is doing over at the SDInteractive blog),…
December 11, 2008

Flick Pick: The Painted Veil

I strongly recommend "The Painted Veil" as a must see piece of art. This movie is both beautiful and heart wrenching. Wonderfully filmed. Masterfully art directed. Ed Norton and Naomi Watts play their characters brilliantly. If you haven't seen it, go rent it. You won't be disappointed. Watch the trailer:
November 24, 2008

The Basics of Racing
Lesson 10: Racing is Life

For my final BLOG, in this “Basics of Racing” series, I thought I’d simply share a couple of quotes, from two men who have influenced my life. Two men who were passionate about life and about being fast. And, I’ve included a YouTube movie clip for each. My two heroes come from two very different backgrounds. And from two different points in time. But they both do a pretty good job articulating my personal views on life, business, and racing.…
November 17, 2008