


All That Free Pubtweecity — Ashton Kutcher Beats CNN and Helps Ophra Become a Twit

Why is Twitter the fastest growing,  most popular social media platform in the history of the Internets?  All that free publicity from peeps&twits like Prez Obama, Lindsay Lohan, Ashton Kutcher and wife, and others for one thing... notes that Twitter grew by 75% between February and March, 2009.  A recession dream for any company! The last couple days, folks across the digital data stream, and in the real world, were a flutter with the Great Tweet War between Kutcher,…
April 17, 2009

Gettin’ Trendy: Gabble, Twig, Muze, and Mog

Gabble, twig, muze and mog -- these could be the next wave of cool digital trendy words.  Here's why... Our droogs @Hewlett-Packard are backing a new mobile video start-up dubbed Gabble -- it is positioning itself as a private communal video portal for mobile phones. The idea is to allow users to send goofy (and not-so-goofy) videos only to friends in their network rather than post them to a sharing site for the world to see. This means they can send those risque self0-made…
April 16, 2009

Trent Reznor: Online Content and Crowdsourcing Gadfly

Bands are always looking for the best way to promote their music online, either through YouTube, Google Video, MySpace, or a record label's efforts. Remeber that old 20th Century analog saying: "if you want something done you've got to do it yourself." It certanly applies in the digital media space, where anyone can do anything and lead in trends and ideas.  Comes now, the official website of Trent Reznor's industrial band Nine Inch Nails. Reznor, who feuded for years with…
April 13, 2009

Content Trends: Online Shows

When it comes to entertainment, they once said that radio would not replace newspapers or books, that TV would not replace radio, that videoplayers would not find home use, that TV shows would not work on the Internet.  However, we are seeing more and more new series shows appearing online rather than the boob tube.  This could be due to excellent quality in streaming and image delivery, and that many people, especially kids, tweens, and teens, are watching reruns of…
April 13, 2009

Trend of the Moment: Be in the “Now”

"Buckle up, and enjoy the millescond," the computer voice says, and: "In the last second, your hair grew five millionths of an inch." Sprint has a cool new pitch from San Francisco-based Goodby Silverstein & Partners, emphasizing the breath, value, and "nowness" of the community-oriented Sprint Now Network. (more…)
April 12, 2009