


Latest Google News and Happenings

So many of us use one Google feature or another when we get online -- from web searches ("Google it" is now part of our popular lexicon), email with Gmail, or the Chrome browser.  Like any big company, Google is embroiled in a number of major issues in trends, the law, and culture, so it's good to keep abreast of these as they could effect each of us, one way or the other. Example: the U.S. Dept. of Justice weighed in…
September 21, 2009

New Business Cards are Coming!

After some discussion and tons of iterations, Ninthlink has new business cards fresh off the press and scheduled to arrive early next week. This pile of mock-ups is a tiny peek into the process it takes to come up with the end result.
September 18, 2009

Online Trends: Building a Better Planet

You know that long-running Twix commercial where the guy and girl are at a party and he tries to lure her to his apartment, saying, "I thought you were someone who wanted to blog about your ideals" and she replies: Oh, blogging! I LOVE blogging!"? That commercial shows that Madison Avenue is aware of a trend online: the marriage of political activism and the blogosphere. A connected trend: online communities forming and coming together to build a better planet --…
September 3, 2009

The Buzz is “Intelligent Search”

The Term “Intelligent search” is the buzz term that’s been at many fingertips and lips lately, connecting it to “artificial intelligence.” Does this conjure images of SkyNet and androids replacing humans? Hollywood seems to have us believing that “A.I.” means robots, but A.I. starts at the software and usability level. Intelligence search, the first major move toward technology that “thinks” for itself, is the latest trend in search engine processing, and the wave for tomorrow’s Web. 3.0 and 4.0. (more…)
September 1, 2009

Mickey Mouse vs. the Hulk? — Major Moves in Online Animation!

We just love animators and illustraors here at Ninthlink -- our participation at the San Diego ComiCon and involvement with planetillogica attents to our committment to artists of all types out there, in the physical and digital world. So this perked our ears up with great interest, when we heard that a major ad agency had found a way to crowdsource the largest community of animators on the web and help these folks with their campaigns. Social animation studio Aniboom entered…
August 31, 2009