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David Lussky


A/B Tests: What Should You Be Testing?

One of the great things about testing online is the fact that almost anything on a web page or in an email campaign can be tested.  While this creates a lot of options and flexibility, it can also make the decision of what to test a difficult one.  Much like a test from your high school science class, once your goal is defined, you must then determine how you will achieve it, define the control variable, state your hypothesis, and…
December 10, 2010

Tracking Your Results: Types of Testing

Testing is at the center of improving conversion rates and should provide the foundation for what every marketing decision is based on.  The most common types of tests used to measure the effectiveness of your website are the A/B test and Multivariate test. (more…)
December 7, 2010

December Theme: Tracking Your Results- A/B Testing

When building a website, the idea is to create something that meets the needs of your customers.  When you better serve your customers, you better serve your business.   Testing let’s you listen to what they have to say.  Over the final month of 2010, we will be looking at the importance of testing your site and tracking your results. (more…)
December 2, 2010
Press / News

Yahoo’s Top Searches of 2010

On Tuesday, the second most popular search engine Yahoo released their annual list of the year’s most popular search requests.  Not surprisingly, the BP Oil Spill took the top spot, which marks the first time a news story has come in at number 1 since Yahoo began reporting the numbers back in 2001.  The search giant Google, which processes billions more search inquiries a year than Yahoo will be releasing a similar list later in December.
December 1, 2010
MarketingOnline ConversionTips

15 Touch Points for Scripting Your Direct Marketing Offer

Coming up with effective, persuasive copy to use in your direct marketing offer can be a daunting task if you are looking for a solution, this article will teach you just that.  When all is said and done, you may be convinced the copy you’ve come up with is a sure thing, however, the truth is you really won’t know which web copy works best until you have a chance to test different versions and analyze the results.  Because of…
November 29, 2010