In the online content realm, PlanetGreen has premiered a new short form series they call My Place, produced by independent filmmaker Ann Marie Fleming. The 10 x 90 second series highlights the “angst-ridden” days of a young woman who is trying to do the right thing for the environment
This young lady’s desire and need to make the world a better place is something we here at Ninthlink identify with, as we strive to do the same with our efforts not only to go green, but to support those who have found the green way.
It’s not about jumping on a trend, it’s about an awareness of the world around us. It’s easy, working in the dgital world, to lose connection with the physical world: the ocean, the air, the forests, the deserts, tress, fish, wild life, even the grass below one’s feet — golfer’s know this!
We become aware that there is a need to connect with nature now before the world wakes up to the plight of this planet, before it’s too late. It’s not easy being green, as Kermit the Frog once sang, but it is indeed necessary for the future health of not only the planet, but all of mankind.
It may seem that small things do not matter in the greater scheme of things — from using energy-saving lightbulbs to re-cycling to riding your bike to work instead of a fuel-based vehicle. We believe that the small things matter just as much as the larger efforts to help the planet, because if we were all to engage in one small thing for the green each day, it inevitably all adds up to something big.
And the earth is big.
The earth needs us to think about her as she thinks about us.
This is why we commend such effors as this new online show, “My Place” — it shows us that there are people out there “fighting the good fight” and thus we stand by their side, we got their backs, we’re ready to do are part.
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