All Posts By

David Lussky

Press / News

Ninthlink’s Creative Director Leads Group Art Exhibition to Success

Throughout the month of June, Ninthlink's Creative Director Matt Stallings led a group art exhibit to roaring success. In conjunction with ArtLabSD, Matt curated the exhibit entitled "The Assembly of Awesomeness" along with co-curator and gallery owner Jim Yuran. Over 1,200 people walked through the doors on opening weekend, making this exhibit one of their best in years.  (more…)
June 28, 2012
Press / News

Ninthlink Donates Web Design, Web Development to Support Charity Event for Andy Roder Powell

Reggae to the Rescue, a benefit concert and silent auction hosted by Chris Cote of Transworld Surf and Fuel TV,  is being held on July 2, 2012 at the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach to raise money for Andy Roder Powell, a 14-year old who recently received a kidney transplant. The website can be seen at: and features information about  Andy and the event where they will also be getting a film studio rental. Auction items are listed,…
June 21, 2012

Ninthlink Provides Non-Profit Website for FACT

FACT’s mission is to assist seniors, persons with disabilities and social service recipients in San Diego County to meet their transportation needs. We’re hoping their new website helps them do just that. In addition to having a senior dial-a-ride service known as RideFACT, FACT maintains a comprehensive database of transportation services operated by public transportation agencies, social services agencies, faith based organizations and specialized transportation services in San Diego County, visit senior living architecture firms for further information and assistance; people…
May 31, 2012